With My Own Voice: A New Adventure

Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of chatting with Julia Strukely, host of the podcast Seven Mile Chats. Each week Julia chats with a guest about a Scripture verse of his or her choosing. This week I happen to be her guest! We spent time chatting about the passage where I first encountered Jesus: The story of the Samaritan woman at the well in John’s Gospel. 

For those who have followed this blog since the beginning, you may remember this story -
How I signed up for a silent retreat … without realizing it was silent.
How I sat alone in my retreat room … and Jesus broke into into my world. 
How I encountered Him in a real and personal way … and now my life is changed forever. ♥️

But whether you’re already familiar with it or not, I officially invite you to head over to whichever app or site you normally use for podcasts and check it out - especially since I did manage to get through the whole recording without crying! 

Listen on Apple
Listen on Spotify
Listen on Google Podcasts
Listen on Stitcher

First a blog. 
Then a podcast. 
There’s no telling what He’ll ask me to do next! 

Praying, as always, that God breathes light into each word I write … and each word I speak!

(blessed by these words? feel free to share, so you can bless others.)


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